Hello, I want to create a web server that presents 2 pages and 2 static directory using a router and a subrouter.
I cannot understand why the static directory served by the router is shown while the static server handled by the subrouter is not working.
The code,the file system scheme and the web pages: shown and wanted are shown below.
File system scheme
package main
import (
func index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func main () {
r := mux.NewRouter()
sub := r.PathPrefix("/sub").Subrouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", index)
r.Handle("/static", http.StripPrefix("/static", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./"))))
sub.Handle("/static", http.StripPrefix("/static", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./"))))
sub.HandleFunc("/", index)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)
Pages that I want in the web server
http://localhost:8080/ ----> (index)
http://localhost:8080/static ---> (presentation of the file systemfolder)
http://localhost:8080/sub/ ---> (index)
http://localhost:8080/sub/static ---> (presentation of the file system folder)
Pages that I have in the web server
http://localhost:8080/ ----> (index)
http://localhost:8080/static ---> (presentation of the file system folder)
http://localhost:8080/sub/ ---> (index)
http://localhost:8080/sub/static ---> (404 page not found)