I'm new to golang working through coding exercises and I have all the following files in a directory called leap. I'm using gvm to run the golang executable (version 1.4), using a command such as "go test leap_test.go".
When I do go test leap_test.go I get the following results:
# command-line-arguments
leap_test.go:5:2: open /home/user/go/leap/leap: no such file or directory
FAIL command-line-arguments [setup failed]
- How do I include the IsLeap() function so that the tests run correctly.
- Why is cases_test.go even included? It seems like leap_test.go is all you'd need for tests.
package leap
// Source: exercism/x-common
// Commit: 945d08e Merge pull request #50 from soniakeys/master
var testCases = []struct {
year int
expected bool
description string
{1996, true, "leap year"},
{1997, false, "non-leap year"},
{1998, false, "non-leap even year"},
{1900, false, "century"},
{2400, true, "fourth century"},
{2000, true, "Y2K"},
package leap
import (
var testCases = []struct {
year int
expected bool
description string
{1996, true, "a vanilla leap year"},
{1997, false, "a normal year"},
{1900, false, "a century"},
{2400, true, "an exceptional century"},
func TestLeapYears(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range testCases {
observed := IsLeap(test.year)
if observed != test.expected {
t.Fatalf("%v is %s", test.year, test.description)
package leap
func IsLeap(year int) bool {
return true