dongnaoben4456 2018-07-26 12:18
浏览 148

使用slice IN子句的Golang数据库查询

Can someone explain to me why this does not work?

inq := "6,7" //strings.Join(artIds, ",")
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT DISTINCT title FROM tags_for_articles LEFT JOIN tags ON = tags_for_articles.tag_id WHERE article_id IN (?)", inq)

And this does

rows, err = db.Query("SELECT DISTINCT title FROM tags_for_articles LEFT JOIN tags ON = tags_for_articles.tag_id WHERE article_id IN (6,7)", inq)

I'm trying to do a simple IN clause with a slice of ints, and every solution suggested doesn't seem very idiomatic

Tried to do this, but the problem appears to be the string substitution.

inq := strings.Join(artIds, ",")

I'm a bit surprised that go doesn't seem to have a graceful way to handle this query.

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  • dongyuhui0418 2018-07-26 19:38

    If you have been careful to build your inq string from real ints (to avoid injection), you can just build the string yourself and avoid using ?:

    inq := "6,7" 
    sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT title FROM tags_for_articles LEFT JOIN tags ON = tags_for_articles.tag_id WHERE article_id IN (%s)",inq)
    rows, err := db.Query(sql)

    If you do it a lot, better to have a WhereIn function that does this for you, or use an orm. Be careful which args you accept though, as if you accept arbitrary strings anything could be injected.

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