douyue9704 2017-04-06 00:41
浏览 59

在Gogland上调用GAE / Go Local Development Server

How can I invoke GAE/Go local development server on Gogland?

In Run/Debug Configuration window, I have the warning "Go SDK is not specified", but I can't find how I can set Go SDK.

enter image description here

Even then I pressed OK, and invoked with Run -> Run 'Unnamed', I got this error.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\Gogland 171.3780.106\binunnerw.exe" C:/Go\bin\go.exe serve C:/path/to/app.yaml
go: unknown subcommand "serve"
Run 'go help' for usage.

Process finished with exit code 2

enter image description here

How can I fix?

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  • duanhuang4841 2017-04-07 10:50

    The reason of the error is that a regular Go distribution is used as an SDK (GOROOT).

    To run GAE Go application you need to use GAE Go SDK as a GOROOT. Changing GOROOT is available via settings File | Setting | Go | GOROOT

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