douhongxie5436 2019-04-22 02:15 采纳率: 100%
浏览 38


I'm following this tutorial to install Protocol Buffers v3:

It says "The simplest way to do this is to download pre-compiled binaries for your platform", what is "platform" here? Operating System or Programming Languages? Im confused at this step, because I dont understand what its saying exactly.

I even tried to follow the link but there is no Protobuf installation for "GoLang" at all, I can see java, python, linux, win, osx etc and I dont know which one to choose and this added to my frustration:

Even if I download the file somehow then how and exactly where do I unzip in Linux?

Even if I unzip it somewhere then what will be the code to write in the bash_profile to update the environment variable PATH to include the path to the protoc binary file as mentioned in the tutorial?

Please help, thanks.

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  • dqgxazo4483 2019-04-22 03:29

    that binary is OS dependent and contains the protoc compiler to compile the protobuffs.

    Note: 3.6.0 is not the latest version

    you will find all the binary here

    download the zip, unzip and copy that protoc bin to


    run below commands for Linux:

    mkdir -p /tmp/protoc && \
            wget && \
            unzip -d protoc3 && \
            cp protoc3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ && \
            cp -R protoc3/include/* /usr/local/include && \
            chmod +x /usr/local/bin/protoc && \
            rm -rf /tmp/protoc 

    just type protoc in the terminal, it should work.

    For go lang code generation, you have to download code generator separately. i,e;


    install go and set the GOPATH.

    then, run below command :

    go get

    After that, you could use go code generator plugin to generate the code like below:

    protoc -I . hello.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:out
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