dtsjq28482 2018-09-08 22:01
浏览 9


My question is how do you decide where to inject a dependency, and how do you test the function in which the dependency is first injected into a function?

For example, I'm refactoring some Go code to use dependency injection with the goal of having the code be more testable.

This is what my refactored code looks like:

type FooIface interface {

type Foo struct {}

func (f *Foo) FooFunc() {
  // Some function I would like to stub

func main() {

func OuterFunction() {
  fooVar := &Foo{}
  // Other stuff

func InnerFunction(f *FooIface) {
  // Other stuff

I'm able to easily test InnerFunction by creating a mock struct that implements FooIface with a stubbed FooFunc() so all is good here. However, what if I wanted to test OuterFunction()? Then how would I stub FooFunc() from there since the injected dependency is created in OuterFunction()?

Do I have to move the creation of the &Foo{} struct up one level out of OuterFunction() by creating it in main and then injecting it into OuterFunction()?

In other words, how would you test the function that creates and injects the dependency?

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  • duanpin2034 2018-09-08 23:01

    Often when people talk about dependency injection, it's in the context of creating objects (or in Go's case structs).

    The canonical way to do this in Go is to use a New function such as object_name.New(...) or package_name.NewObjectName(...). These functions take in the objects dependencies and output an instance of the object.

    Above you are doing a lot of your code in static functions. Could it be inverted into objects that are created and have methods on them? This is sometimes called inversion of control.

    type Foo {
        bar Bar
        baz Baz
    func NewFoo(bar Bar, baz Baz) *Foo {
        return &Foo{ bar: bar, baz: baz }
    func (foo *Foo) X() {

    This model could be extended to multiple levels so testing is easier.

    foo := NewFoo(

    Here is a post that might be helpful.




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