drxm72811 2018-04-18 18:35
浏览 149


I have a string: {"isRegion":true, "tags":?}

Where I want to join an array of strings in place of ?, surrounded by quotes.

My current attempt doesn't quite work:

jsonStr := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"isRegion":true, "tags":[%q]}, strings.Join(tags, `","`)))

The above gives the output: "tags":["prod\",\"stats"]

I instead need the quotes to persist without escaping: "tags":["prod","stats"]

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  • dpmfur2635 2018-04-19 02:28

    Your tricky approach fixed:

    tags := []string{"prod", "stats"}
    jsonStr := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"isRegion":true, "tags":["%s"]}`, 
        strings.Join(data, `", "`)))

    The easy and correct way:

    // This will be your JSON object
    type Whatever struct {
        // Field appears in JSON as key "isRegion"
        IsRegion bool     `json:"isRegion"` 
        Tags     []string `json:"tags"`
    tags := []string{"prod", "stats"}
    w := Whatever{IsRegion: true, Tags: tags}
    // here is where we encode the object
    jsonStr, err := json.MarshalIndent(w, "", "  ")
    if err != nil {
        // Handle the error

    You can either use json.MarshalIndent or json.Marshal to encode JSON, and json.UnMarshal to decode. Check more info about this at the official documentation.

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