So, I'm teaching myself some Golang by making a simple resource management game with ncurses. I'm using this library to connect Golang to ncurses.
I've made a simple text input panel that takes in one character at a time, displays it, and then adds it to a string composing the user's response. Here's what it looks like:
// Accept characters, printing them until end
ch := window.GetChar()
kstr := gc.KeyString(ch)
response := ""
cur := 0
for kstr != "enter" {
// Diagnostic print to get key code of current character
window.MovePrint(0, 0, ch)
// If its a backspace or delete, remove a character
// Otherwise as long as its a regular character add it
if ((ch == 127 || ch == 8) && cur != 0){
response = response[:len(response)-1]
window.MovePrint(y, (x + cur), " ")
} else if (ch >= 33 && ch <= 122 && cur <= 52) {
window.MovePrint(y, (x + cur), kstr)
response = response + kstr
// Get next character
ch = window.GetChar()
kstr = gc.KeyString(ch)
However, the arrow and function keys seem to be coming up as keycodes already associated with the normal a-zA-Z characters. For example, right-arrow comes up as 67 and F1 as 80. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here, or if there's a better approach to taking in alphanumerics through ncurses? I'd like to avoid ncurses fields and classes as much as possible, because the point here is to learn Golang, not ncurses. Thanks!