dongxifu5009 2018-04-16 22:03
浏览 39

如何使用xml golang std查找已知属性和令牌的值。 LIB

I'm parsing the body of an http request that is set up in like this:

<foo bar='VALUE_I_WANT'>
</FOO >

What is an idiomatic approach to finding VALUE_I_WANT? Can I loop though the tokens using a decoder? How can check that a token is foo and get the attribute bar? (those names are constant). Is that the only way using the std lib? No way to look up tokens directly?

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  • douyasihefu6214 2018-04-17 14:55

    You can use the encoding/xml package to parse your data. For example, define types representing your XML data:

    type Something struct {
        InnerSomething struct {
            Foo struct {
                Bar string `xml:"bar,attr"`
            } `xml:"foo"`
        } `xml:"inner_something"`
    type Result struct {
        Something `xml:"something"`

    Then parse the data:

    func main() {
        data := `
            <foo bar='VALUE_I_WANT'>test
            </foo >
        v := Result{}
        err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &v)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("error: %v", err)
        fmt.Printf("bar: %q", v.Something.InnerSomething.Foo.Bar)


    Here is a working sample in the Go Playground.

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