I want to fetch the last visit_details row having out_time as NULL
using Gorm.
is itself a type where VisitDetail OutTime is mysql.NullTime
var visitDetail models.VisitDetail
db.Where("out_time=? ", nil).Last(&visitDetail)
//model VisitDetails
type VisitDetail struct {
Id int
Visitor Visitor `gorm:"foreignkey:ClientId;association_foreignkey:Id"`
VisitorId int `gorm:"not null;"`
Location Location `gorm:"foreignkey:LocationId;association_foreignkey:Id"`
LocationId int `gorm:"not null;"`
Purpose string
InTime time.Time `gorm:"not null;"`
OutTime mysql.NullTime
User User `gorm:"foreignkey:ClientId;association_foreignkey:Id"`
UserId int `gorm:"not null;"`
Status int `gorm:"not null;"`
ApproveByClient int `gorm:"not null;"`
select * from visit_details where out_time is NULL order by id desc limit 1;
| id | visitor_id | location_id | purpose | in_time | out_time | user_id | status | approve_by_client |
| 20 | 1 | 8 | | 2018-02-20 17:13:25 | NULL | 1609 | 0 | 0 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)