dqm4675 2019-09-09 12:43
浏览 169


I understand how to unmarshal simple xml data to Go structs but can't figure out how to handle dynamic tags. Here's an example. There can be <image_3><image_4> etc

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <date_created><![CDATA[2018-10-19 15:20:22]]></date_created>
    <stock_status>In Stock</stock_status>


type Products struct {
        XMLName xml.Name `xml:"products"`
        Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`
        Product struct {
                Text        string `xml:",chardata"`
                ProductID   string `xml:"product_id"`
                DateCreated string `xml:"date_created"`
                Price       string `xml:"price"`
                StockStatus string `xml:"stock_status"`
                Images          map[string]string `xml:"images"`
        } `xml:"product"`

When I run fmt.Println(len(products.Product[0].Images)) I get 0. What I'm missing here?

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  • douxie0824 2019-09-10 08:07

    You can implement the xml.Unmarshaler interface on a custom map type like so:

    type Images map[string]string
    func (i *Images) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
        *i = make(Images) // initialize the map
        for {
            tok, err := d.Token()
            if err != nil {
                if err == io.EOF {
                    return nil
                return err
            if se, ok := tok.(xml.StartElement); ok {
                tok, err = d.Token()
                if err != nil {
                    if err == io.EOF {
                        return nil
                    return err
                if data, ok := tok.(xml.CharData); ok {
                    (*i)[se.Name.Local] = string(data)


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