If you're doing this enough times that performance is a concern, it would really be advisable to keep the data in a slice to begin with.
If you really want to access to the address of the string, you can use the unsafe package to convert it into a struct matching the string header. Using the reflect.StringHeader
p := unsafe.Pointer((*(*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))).Data)
Or using a slice as a proxy, since they both put the data pointer and length integers in the same field locations
p := unsafe.Pointer(&(*(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)))[0])
Or because the data pointer is first, you could use a uintptr
p := unsafe.Pointer(*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)))
None of these ways are guaranteed to work in all cases, or in future versions of Go, and none of the options are going to guarantee a null terminated string.
The best, supported option is to create a shim in the cgo preamble to accept the go string, and convert it to a *char
. CGO provides access to the following function to do this:
const char *_GoStringPtr(_GoString_ s);
See the Go references to C section in the documentation.