douya6229 2018-09-07 16:11
浏览 417

golang snap安装:cgo.a:只读文件系统

I have installed go 1.11 using the snap package as described here:

# This will give you the latest version of go
$ sudo snap install --classic go

Things in general work well, however, when I tried to compile a project that uses cgo, I get the following error:

/snap/go/2635/bin/go test -c -i -o /tmp/___Test_GetVersion_in_tests_go tests_go #gosetup
go test runtime/cgo: open /snap/go/2635/pkg/linux_amd64/runtime/cgo.a: read-only file system

What could be happening? Is this a known issue in the snap installation?

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  • douou6696 2019-02-15 16:19

    In case you came here looking for how to resolve this error for VSCode - it took me a little bit to find the setting.

    File -> Preferences -> Settings

    In the settings pane... User Settings -> Extensions -> Go configuration

    Scroll about 2/3rds of the way down until you get to Install Dependencies When Building. Uncheck that one and restart VSCode.

    So far has been working for me (running Ubuntu 18)

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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