I am new to Go and I am struggling trying to figure out a way to return unique variables from an array in Go templating language. This is to configure some software and I do not have access to the source to change the actual program only the template.
I have knocked up an example in the Go playground:
package main
import "os"
import "text/template"
func main() {
var arr [10]string
tmpl, err := template.New("test").Parse("{{range $index, $thing := $}}The thing is: {{$thing}}
if err != nil { panic(err) }
err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, arr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
Right now this returns:
The thing is: mice
The thing is: mice
The thing is: mice
The thing is: mice
The thing is: mice
The thing is: mice
The thing is: mice
The thing is: toad
The thing is: toad
The thing is: mice
What I am trying to do is craft a template that from the input array filters duplicates and only returns:
The thing is: mice
The thing is: toad
I am really stuck as I know virtually no go and struggle to find any array manipulation methods in the docs. Any one have any tips?
Sorry for not being clear I wrote this question on the bus on the way to work.
I don't have access to any go code outside the template. I have a template I can edit and within that template I have an array that may or may not have multiple values and I need to print them once.
I appreciate this is not how templates are meant to work but if there is some dirty way to do this it would save me several days work.