I've recently been migrating an App Engine (Go) app from Go 1.9 to 1.11. I've followed the steps in the Migrating your App Engine app from Go 1.9 to Go 1.11 document, excluding the optional ones. I plan on doing the optional tasks later once I get this working.
I get the app to build and I can deploy it just fine. Most of everything works fine, with the exception of one API that is used to look up some info on a Google Play IAP. When I do that, I get the following error:
Error 403: Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes., insufficientPermissions
I've checked, and the scope that I'm using is https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidpublisher
, which is still the scope listed in the Google Play Developer API documentation.
I'm using the App Engine default service account for the client by calling DefaultClient
from the golang.org/x/oauth2/google
library, which returns a client without an error
When I test the same code with Go 1.9, there are no authentication issues at all, and the API works. I'm guessing that these is something in the authentication setup which has changed but I can't find any documentation on it, nor on what I should do differently.
I have to imagine that a lot of people have had to do this migration, and I can't find any posts with this problem, so I'm lost as to why I'm getting it.