I been reading about goroutines and the sync package and my question is... Do I always need to lock unlock when reading writting to data on different goroutines?
For example I have a variable on my server
config := make(map[string]string)
Then on different goroutines I want to read from config. Is it safe to read without using sync or it is not?
I guess writting needs to be done using the sync package. but I am not sure about reading
For example I have a simple in-memory cache system
type Cache interface {
Get(key string) interface{}
Put(key string, expires int64, value interface{})
// MemoryCache represents a memory type of cache
type MemoryCache struct {
c map[string]*MemoryCacheValue
rw sync.RWMutex
// MemoryCacheValue represents a memory cache value
type MemoryCacheValue struct {
value interface{}
expires int64
// NewMemoryCache creates a new memory cache
func NewMemoryCache() Cache {
return &MemoryCache{
c: make(map[string]*MemoryCacheValue),
// Get stores something into the cache
func (m *MemoryCache) Get(key string) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.c[key]; ok {
return v
return nil
// Put retrieves something from the cache
func (m *MemoryCache) Put(key string, expires int64, value interface{}) {
m.c[key] = &MemoryCacheValue{
time.Now().Unix() + expires,
I am acting safe here or I still need to lock unlock when I want to only read?