I have written a simple package, which basically consists of a lot of getter functions. Each file in this package corresponds to a service, so for instance the product file, contains functions relating to the product service/db, order file to order service etc. Each function takes as parameters a db resource to the underlying db, and parameters for the sql, eg. productid, name, orderid. Each of the functions returns a struct (eg. Order, product) or an error:
// product.go
package lib
type Product struct {
ID int
Name string
Price float
func GetProductById(DB *sql.DB, ID int) (p Product, err error) {
q := "SELECT * FROM product WHERE id = " + ID
func GetProductByName(DB *sql.DB, name string) (p Product, err error) {
// order.go
package lib
type Order struct {
ID int
Date string
Items []items
func GetOrderById(DB *sql.DB, ID int) (o Order, err error) {
The problem is that I'm not able to mock these functions from my main package. What I really like to do, is to rewrite the package, so I somehow can pass to function to a type instead. But I'm not sure how to do this. Especially not when the functions take different input parameters and return different structs. Is there a way to do this?