It's because of the time zone, you're getting the right date, but sprig
formats to "Local" by default, where
defaults to "UTC"
Here is a sample code: (omitting error handling for simplicity)
func main() {
// using the "time" package
mydate, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", "2016-07-08")
fmt.Println("time:", mydate.In(time.Local).Format("January 02, 2006 (MST)"), "-- specify Local time zone")
fmt.Println("time:", mydate.Format("January 02, 2006 (MST)"), "-- defaults to UTC")
d := struct{ MyDate time.Time }{mydate}
//using sprig
fmap := sprig.TxtFuncMap()
localTpl := `sprig: {{ date "January 02, 2006 (MST)" .MyDate }} -- defaults to Local`
t := template.Must(template.New("test").Funcs(fmap).Parse(localTpl))
var localdate bytes.Buffer
t.Execute(&localdate, d)
utcTpl := `sprig: {{ dateInZone "January 02, 2006 (MST)" .MyDate "UTC"}} -- specify UTC time zone`
t = template.Must(template.New("test").Funcs(fmap).Parse(utcTpl))
var utcdate bytes.Buffer
t.Execute(&utcdate, d)
time: July 07, 2016 (EDT) -- specify Local time zone
time: July 08, 2016 (UTC) -- defaults to UTC
sprig: July 07, 2016 (EDT) -- defaults to Local
sprig: July 08, 2016 (UTC) -- specify UTC time zone
Here is some reference:
In the absence of a time zone indicator, Parse returns a time in UTC.
func date(fmt string, date interface{}) string {
return dateInZone(fmt, date, "Local")
Note: if you want to format to a specific time zone, look at the 2nd template:
utcTpl := `sprig: {{ dateInZone "January 02, 2006 (MST)" .MyDate "UTC"}} -- specify UTC time zone`