dtxpz8785 2019-06-14 07:54
浏览 79


I know its not idiomatic to write generic functions in Go, but I want to explore my options before I dive into the go generate.

The problem I have is that the Value.Call() returns a slice where the element I interested in is a pointer to a custom struct. Seems like I cant find a way to access this.

returns := listMethod.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(filter)})


[<vspk.EnterpriseProfilesList Value> <*bambou.Error Value>]

type definition:

type EnterpriseProfilesList []*EnterpriseProfile

I want to get access to the vspk.EnterpriseProfilesList, but I am struggling to make it.

If I try to retrieve the underlying value like this:

returns := listMethod.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(filter)})
ret1 := returns[0].Interface()

I receive

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  • duanbu1421 2019-06-14 07:57

    Value.Call() returns a value of type []reflect.Value. What you're interested in is the first value of that slice: returns[0].

    This will be of course of type reflect.Value. To extract the value wrapped in it, use Value.Interface().

    This will be of type interface{}. If you need the concrete type, use a type assertion:


    For example:

    if list, ok := returns[0].Interface().(spk.EnterpriseProfilesList); ok {
        // here list is of type spk.EnterpriseProfilesList
    } else {
        // it was nil or not of type spk.EnterpriseProfilesList
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