To try out the async library in Clojure, I translated the prime sieve example from Go. Running in the REPL, it successfully printed out the prime numbers up to 227 and then stopped. I hit Ctrl-C and tried running it again but it wouldn't print out any more numbers. Is there a way to get Clojure to handle this, or is the async library just not ready for it yet?
;; A concurrent prime sieve translated from
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<!! >!! chan go]])
(defn generate
"Sends the sequence 2, 3, 4, ... to channel 'ch'."
(doseq [i (drop 2 (range))]
(>!! ch i)))
(defn filter-multiples
[in-chan out-chan prime]
"Copies the values from 'in-chan' to 'out-chan', removing
multiples of 'prime'."
(while true
;; Receive value from 'in-chan'.
(let [i (<!! in-chan)]
(if (not= 0 (mod i prime))
;; Send 'i' to 'out-chan'.
(>!! out-chan i)))))
(defn main
"The prime sieve: Daisy-chain filter-multiples processes."
(let [ch (chan)]
(go (generate ch))
(loop [ch ch]
(let [prime (<!! ch)]
(println prime)
(let [ch1 (chan)]
(go (filter-multiples ch ch1 prime))
(recur ch1))))))