dougua9165 2016-09-25 07:24
浏览 2346

如何在Intellij IDEA参数中使用通配符

I use try add arguments in run configuration.

I add master sequential pg-*.txt. But when I start running. the error come out.

/usr/local/go/bin/go run /home/asus/dev/6.824/src/main/wc.go master sequential pg-*.txt
master: Starting Map/Reduce task wcseq
panic: open pg-*.txt: no such file or directory

But I use the command in terminal is OK.

~/dev/6.824/src/main$ /usr/local/go/bin/go run /home/asus/dev/6.824/src/main/wc.go master sequential pg-*.txt
master: Starting Map/Reduce task wcseq
Merge: read mrtmp.wcseq-res-0
Merge: read mrtmp.wcseq-res-1
Merge: read mrtmp.wcseq-res-2
master: Map/Reduce task completed

I think the problem is the Wildcard.So how to use Wildcard in Intellij IDEA arguments?

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  • doutangqi4444 2016-09-25 19:43

    The string pg-*.txt is referred to as a glob pattern. In the latter example you are asking your shell to execute a given command which includes your glob pattern. The shell evaluates the glob pattern as a pre-processing step. The Go program then receives a list of files that have been matched by the pattern.

    You will have to update your IntelliJ settings to run the program within a shell as described in In JetBrains IDEs (e.g. CLion, IntelliJ), external tools cannot use globbing patterns Stack Overflow question. By evaluating the initial go run command within a shell process your program will receive the arguments as expected.

    An alternative solution is to treat all your arguments as glob patterns and utilize the filepath.Glob(pattern string) (matches []string, err error) function to manually expand on the provided argument. This strategy requires a little more preprocessing from your program but is more tolerant to the runtime environment. You can see an example of this kind of expansion in this Go Playground Example.

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