I'm pushing in my redis base my objects with the "RPUSH" command.
// object is of type interface
var network bytes.Buffer
enc.Encode(object /* interface{} */)
redis.String(d.Conn.Do("RPUSH", "objects", network.String()))
Redigo do what i'm expecting, it is pushing all the data structure gob-encoded.
Now I'm trying to retreive them:
sall, _ := redis.Strings(d.Conn.Do("LRANGE", "todos", "0", "-1"))
fmt.Printf("%T", sall) // type []string as expected
// At this point, I have no idea if I should store the data in a buffer, or convert it directly as bytes. actually, here I'm lost
var network bytes.Buffer
var object []interface{}
dec := gob.NewDecoder(network)
err := dec.Decode(inout)
fmt.Printf("%v", err) // decode error:EOF
What is the best way to gob-decod them? I'd want to get them back as a slice of interface{}. But even if my object are encoded as gob data. They are pushed in the redis way, so can it be considered as a slice from the point view of gob?
I could iterate other the list and decode them one by one. But I'm not confident about the efficiency. I'm assuming gob want a slice structure encoded in its way. So my question is: Is there a trick in order to decode my slice of gob data efficiently as a collection of data structure? Or should I store my data structure in another way (I'm assuming storing my data with RPUSH can prevent non-attomic manipulation)