I have been following this https://medium.com/learning-the-go-programming-language/calling-go-functions-from-other-languages-4c7d8bcc69bf
Now, what I am doing is:-
- Pass a Json String
- Use Json Unmarshall with a Go Struct Reference & the string
- Do Business Logic & Operations
- Marshal the struct to JSON String
- Return
Now, the issue I am facing is that I am getting an Out-of-Memory
exception when running it through python. If I run it through normal Go, then it works good.
Also if I dont unmarshal and just initialize the structure normally then I do not have an issue, and get a json string back. But I need to pass a structured data between both.
The issue occurs in the Unmarshal Line
func BuildCRMLinkFromJSON(jsonstring string) CRMLinkBO {
var crmLink CRMLink = CRMLink{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonstring), &crmLink)
var clb = CRMLinkBO{crmLink: crmLink}
return clb
The runtime error is:
runtime: out of memory: cannot allocate 140328041390080-byte block (66781184 in use)
fatal error: out of memory
Shauryas-MacBook-Pro:go-python-interfacing xuryax$ python pythonclient.py
unexpected fault address 0x210c1a334
fatal error: fault
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x210c1a334 pc=0x1087b0c75]
Minimal Reproduce:
package main
import (
import "C"
// Data Model
type CustomField struct {
Field string `json:"field"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type PersonDetails struct {
Person_id string `json:"person_id"`
Detail []CustomField `json:"detail"`
func New(pid string) PersonDetails {
var p = PersonDetails{"HARDCODED PID IN GO", []CustomField{}}
return p
func BuildFromJSON(jsonString string) PersonDetails {
var person_detail PersonDetails = PersonDetails{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &person_detail)
return person_detail
func ConvertToJSON(p PersonDetails) string {
var je, _ = json.Marshal(p)
return string(je)
func AddValue(p PersonDetails) PersonDetails {
var CustField = CustomField{"Hardcoded Field in Go", "Hardcoded Value in Gos"}
p.Detail = append(p.Detail, CustField)
return p
//export DoJSONOperation
func DoJSONOperation(jsonString string) *C.char {
var p = BuildFromJSON(jsonString)
p = AddValue(p)
var nstr = ConvertToJSON(p)
return C.CString(nstr)
//export DoNormalOperation
func DoNormalOperation(jsonString string) *C.char {
var p = New(jsonString)
p = AddValue(p)
var nstr = ConvertToJSON(p)
fmt.Println("Before Return: ", string(nstr))
return C.CString(nstr)
func main() {
// DO noting
// var jsonStr = `{"person_id":"JsonID","detail":[{"field":"json passed field", "value":"json passed value"}]}`
from ctypes import *
import json
def main():
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("/Users/xuryax/work/repos/research/go-python-interfacing/usego.so")
lib.DoJSONOperation.argtypes = [c_char_p]
lib.DoJSONOperation.restype = c_char_p
json_string = """{"person_id":"PythonJsonID","detail":[{"field":"json passed field", "value":"json passed value"}]}"""
normal_pid = "Python ID"
updated_json = lib.DoNormalOperation(normal_pid)
if __name__=="__main__":
Weird thing I found in if I use the one with hardcoded it is returning Pointer(integer) but On my previous experiment, I did get a string back.