I am a beginner of Go
I wrote this code, but an error occurred.
How should I write a map which contains string
and []string
package main
import (
func main() {
prof := make(map[string]map[string]interface{})
prof["me"] = map[string]string{
"name": "John Lennon",
"email": "foobar@gmail.com",
"phone": "090-0000-0000",
"occupation": []string{"Programmer", "System Engineer"},
"language": []string{"Go", "Java", "Python", "PHP", "JavaScript", "SQL"},
"hobby": []string{"Photography", "Traveling", "Fishing", "Eating"},
This error is from Ideone.
# _/home/NcWlmE
./prog.go:14: cannot use []string literal (type []string) as type string in map value
./prog.go:15: cannot use []string literal (type []string) as type string in map value
./prog.go:16: cannot use []string literal (type []string) as type string in map value