I have a package exporting a function that returns a struct pointer that I can't control. I'd like to wrap that function to provide a dependency seam so that I can do some unit testing. The idea is that I want a fake rather than what the external package is giving me.
An example looks like:
// External Package I can't control.
package ex
type Foo struct {
v int
func (f *Foo) GetV() int {
return f.v
func CreateFoo(v int) *Foo {
return &Foo{v: v}
// Local Package I'm testing.
type IFoo interface {
GetV() int
type factory = func(v int) IFoo
var factoryFn factory = ex.CreateFoo
This results in the error:
cannot use CreateFoo (type func(int) *Foo) as type func(int) IFoo in assignment
Since I think that *Foo
is an IFoo
, why not? What am I missing? Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do, giving myself a hook like that?
Playground link to example: https://play.golang.org/p/FDckAQGNRgA