I've just recently started trying to learn Go and I'm trying to write a small server/client application for sending a csv file, from a server to a client. I'm running into an invalid type error when trying to encode a struct into BigEndian binary. My struct seems to already be in a binary format, I'm unsure why I get the following error:
Error writing binary buffer to big endian binary.Write: invalid type *main.DataPack
Also, I'd like to keep the TCP connection open after sending the file, that's why I'm not using io.Copy.
Currently I'm triggering the handling of the file upload through by sending a '\x00' byte:
// Server
package main
import (
type DataPack struct {
Length int64
Contents []byte
func main() {
absPath, _ := filepath.Abs("./progs.csv")
data, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(absPath)
tel, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
for {
conn, err := tel.Accept()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("above filehandler")
go fileHandler(conn)
func fileHandler(conn net.Conn) {
buf := make([]byte, 0)
buf = append(buf, '\x00')
absPath, _ := filepath.Abs("./progs.csv")
file, err := os.Open(absPath)
defer file.Close()
fi, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Fatal error reading file: ", err)
fmt.Println("This is the length of the file: ", fi.Size())
data := &DataPack{Length: fi.Size()} // , Contents: }
data.Contents = make([]byte, data.Length)
n, err := file.Read(data.Contents)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error reading contents into struct: ", err)
fmt.Println("tried to read file contents: ", n)
fmt.Println("DataPack: %+v", data)
buf1 := new(bytes.Buffer)
err = binary.Write(buf1, binary.BigEndian, &data)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error writing binary buffer to big endian ", err)
Here is the client
package main
import (
const (
host = ""
port = 23
func main() {
addr := strings.Join([]string{host, strconv.Itoa(port)}, ":")
client := NewClient()
var err error
client.socket, err = net.Dial("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error setting up socket: %s", err)
for {
m := bufio.NewReader(client.socket)
b, err := m.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("here is the error: ", err)
if b == '\x00'{
fmt.Println("about to receive a file!!!")
b, _ := m.ReadByte()
fmt.Println("just got another byte ", b )