I've deployed some docker containers with golang apps. One of them I need to start by this command:
docker run --restart unless-stopped -it myapp /bin/bash
The next step I enter the container and edit some config files, then I run
go build main.go
and ./main
After that I press ctrl+q and leave it out.
Everything works perfectly and all my containers restart perfectly after restarting server. But there is one issue, when myapp container restarts, the golang application doesn't run while container still works. I have to enter this again and run ./main
. How can I fixed it?
FROM golang:1.8
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY . .
RUN go-wrapper download # "go get -d -v ./..."
RUN go-wrapper install # "go install -v ./..." RUN ["apt-get","update"]
RUN ["apt-get","install","-y","vim"]
CMD ["app"]