dongrandi8411 2017-01-02 21:31
浏览 54

无法使用Highchart API构建多层钻取图表

I'm having trouble building a 2 level drilldown chart using the Highcharts API. I am using Jquery's $.getJSON() method which retrieves data from one of my Go methods. For some reason I can't save the data to a javascript variable so I am having to build the chart within the $.getJSON method. I can see that the JSON is being properly displayed when I navigate to that URL. I'm having a lot of trouble manipulating the data to display the proper chart. If someone could please explain/help it would be greatly appreciated as I have been working on this for a while now and I need to get it done for my job. I will try to make this as easy as possible to understand/read. Here is what I have so far:


type Office struct {
    Austin struct {
        Balance string
        RM struct {
            Matt struct {
                Balance string
            John struct {
                Balance string
            Blake struct {
                Balance string
            Jamie struct {
                Balance string
    ElPaso struct {
        Balance string
        RM struct {
            Brenda struct {
                Balance string
            Ericka struct {
                Balance string
            Nicole struct {
                Balance string
            Stephanie struct {
                Balance string
            Tricia struct {
                Balance string
            Viri struct {
                Balance string
    ABL struct {
        Balance string
        RM struct {
            BrianABL struct {
                Balance string
            JamieABL struct {
                Balance string
            JohnABL struct {
                Balance string
            MattABL struct {
                Balance string
            TimABL struct {
                Balance string

func getData(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    office := Office{}
    conn, err := sql.Open("mssql", "my db credentials")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Open connection failed:", err.Error())
    defer conn.Close()

    rows, err := conn.Query("my select query")
    if err != nil {
    for rows.Next() {
        var Austin, ElPaso, ABL, Matt, John, Blake, Jamie, Brenda, Ericka, Nicole, Stephanie, Tricia, Viri, BrianABL, JamieABL, JohnABL, MattABL, TimABL string
        rows.Scan(&Austin, &ElPaso, &ABL, &Matt, &John, &Blake, &Jamie, &Brenda, &Ericka, &Nicole, &Stephanie, &Tricia, &Viri, &BrianABL, &JamieABL, &JohnABL, &MattABL, &TimABL)
        office.Austin.Balance = Austin
            office.Austin.RM.Matt.Balance = Matt
            office.Austin.RM.John.Balance = John
            office.Austin.RM.Blake.Balance = Blake
            office.Austin.RM.Jamie.Balance = Jamie
        office.ElPaso.Balance = ElPaso
            office.ElPaso.RM.Brenda.Balance = Brenda
            office.ElPaso.RM.Ericka.Balance = Ericka
            office.ElPaso.RM.Nicole.Balance = Nicole
            office.ElPaso.RM.Stephanie.Balance = Stephanie
            office.ElPaso.RM.Tricia.Balance = Tricia
            office.ElPaso.RM.Viri.Balance = Viri
        office.ABL.Balance = ABL
            office.ABL.RM.BrianABL.Balance = BrianABL
            office.ABL.RM.JamieABL.Balance = JamieABL
            office.ABL.RM.JohnABL.Balance = JohnABL
            office.ABL.RM.MattABL.Balance = MattABL
            office.ABL.RM.TimABL.Balance = TimABL
    js, err := json.Marshal(office)
    if err != nil {
        http.Error(res, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
    res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/json")
    res.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")


$.getJSON('/getdata',  function(data) {
    for (office in data) {
        if (data.hasOwnProperty(office)) {
            officeVal = 0;
            officeP = {
                id: 'id_' + officeI,
                name: office,
                color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[officeI]
            officeBalI = 0;
            for (officeBalance in data[office]) {
                if (data[office].hasOwnProperty(officeBalance)) {
                    officeBalanceP = {
                        id: + '_' + officeBalI,
                        name: officeBalance,
                    causeI = 0;
                    for (cause in data[office][country]) {
                        if (data[office][country].hasOwnProperty(cause)) {
                            causeP = {
                                id: + '_' + causeI,
                                name: causeName[cause],
                                value: Math.round(+data[office][country][cause])
                            officeVal += causeP.value;
                            causeI = causeI + 1;
                    countryI = countryI + 1;
            for (RM in data[office]) {
                if (data[office].hasOwnProperty(RM)) {
                    RMP = {
                        id: + '_' + RMI,
                        name: RM,
            officeP.value = Math.round(officeVal / countryI);
            officeI = officeI + 1;
    Highcharts.chart('container', {
        series: [{
            type: 'treemap',
            layoutAlgorithm: 'squarified',
            allowDrillToNode: true,
            animationLimit: 1000,
            dataLabels: {
                enabled: false
            levelIsConstant: false,
            levels: [{
                level: 1,
                dataLabels: {
                    enabled: true
                borderWidth: 3
            data: points
        subtitle: {
            text: 'Subtitle test'
        title: {
            text: 'Title test'

Here is my JSON response from /getdata:

    "Austin" : {
        "Balance" : "12345.12",
        "RM" : {
            "Matt" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "John" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "Blake" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "Jamie" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"}
    "ElPaso" : {
        "Balance" : "12345.12",
        "RM" : {
            "Brenda" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "Ericka" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "Nicole" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "Stephanie" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "Tricia" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "Viri" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"}
    "ABL" : {
        "Balance" : "12345.12",
        "RM" : {
            "BrianABL" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "JamieABL" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "JohnABL" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "MattABL" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"},
            "TimABL" : {"Balance" : "12345.12"}
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  • duanchi0883649 2017-01-03 13:06

    Your JS code does not work, it has syntax errors.

    Data structure for a tree is as follows:

    data: [{
        name: 'I have children',
        id: 'id-1'
    }, {
        name: 'I am a child',
        parent: 'id-1',
        value: 2
    }, {
        name: 'I am a smaller child',
        parent: 'id-1',
        value: 1

    So, your parents are offices and they have values, their children are people and they also have values - so you need to link the people with the office with the correct id. E.g. like this:

    var points = [];
    Object.keys(data).forEach((office, i) => {
      var people = data[office]['RM'],
          color = Highcharts.getOptions().colors[i],
          id = 'id_' + i;
        name: office,
        value: Number(data[office]['Balance']),
        id: id,
        color: color
      Object.keys(people).forEach((person, j) => {
          name: person,
          value: Number(people[person]['Balance']),
          parent: id,
          color: color


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