dousong2967 2016-01-06 06:04
浏览 279

Golang Revel:对结构数组进行分页

I have a struct array that I need to paginate on the view end.

This is what my code looks like on the view:

<div class="tab-content">
        <div class="tab-pane active" id="tab1" >
          {{range .c}}                
            <p>Number: {{.Number}}</p>
            <p>Name: {{.Name}}</p>
            <p>Parties: {{.A}} and {{.B}}</p>
            <p>Location: {{.Location}}</p>
          <a href="/search">Read More</a>
          <div class="paging">
            <ul class="pagination">
              <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></a></li>
              <li class="active"><a href="#">1</a></li>
              <li><a href="#">2</a></li>
              <li><a href="#">3</a></li>
              <li><a href="#">4</a></li>
              <li><a href="#">5</a></li>
              <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li>

I have tried looking for solution to paginate this because the results are in the hundreds. The only golang solutions I have come across so far are SQL related. I would highly appreciate a solution for a struct array.

Thank you in advance.

EDIT My back end storage is BoltDB. I get the data on the controller by calling this method

func List(bucket string)  []Data{
    //Open BoltDB database
    defer Close()
    //Use a predefined struct to make an array
    d:=make([]Data, 0)
    //Fetch and unmarshal data as it is saved in byte form
    db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
        cur := tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket)).Cursor()
        for k, v := cur.First(); k != nil; k, v = cur.Next() {            
            err:= json.Unmarshal(v, &d1)
            if err !=nil{
                return err
            d=append(d, d1)
        return nil  
    //Return the array of data
    return d

This array is what I would like to iterate on the view.

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  • doty58493 2016-01-06 07:12

    You could collect the full array of data that you return from the list function.

    func paginate(x []Data, skip int, size int) []int {
    limit := func() int {
        if skip+size > len(x) {
            return len(x)
        } else {
            return skip + size
    start := func() int {
        if skip > len(x) {
            return len(x)
        } else {
            return skip
      return x[start():limit()]

    Although you will get the behavior you want, this is very wasteful in terms of memory specially if your data array is huge. Hope this helps.

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