drxkx6149 2019-05-22 21:13
浏览 37


Forgive me, but I was not able to find this question addressed in 20 mins of googling so I thought I'd ask. I have bunch of route53 cname and A records that need the name changed on them:

cname record:
aaa.xxx.xxx.xxx.com becomes bbb.xxx.xxx.xxx.com
A record:
internal-alb-aaa.xxx.xxx.xxx.com becomes internal-alb-bbb.xxx.xxx.xxx.com

I believe this needs to be done with the following api call, but it appears to me the Name: field acts as a sort of primary key so it wouldn't be possible to rename it.

Am I using the correct approach or is this possible another way?

svc := route53.New(session.New())
    input := &route53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsInput{
        ChangeBatch: &route53.ChangeBatch{
            Changes: []*route53.Change{
                    Action: aws.String("UPSERT"),
                    ResourceRecordSet: &route53.ResourceRecordSet{
                        Name:          aws.String("example.com"),
                        Region:        aws.String("us-east-2"),
                        SetIdentifier: aws.String("Ohio region"),
                        Type:          aws.String("A"),
            Comment: aws.String("ELB load balancers for example.com"),
        HostedZoneId: aws.String("Z3M3LMPEXAMPLE"),

    result, err := svc.ChangeResourceRecordSets(input)
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