douji6735 2016-09-19 12:10
浏览 28


I'm trying to implement a generic search algorithm that will traverse any arbitrary tree-like data structure concurrently (spinning up a go routine for each level of the tree).

The issue I have is when search fails (it completes walking the entire tree and finds no match) I end up with a deadlock and I don't understand why.

The code works when correctly when search succeeds.

I added the helper functions for your context, however my issue is with the way I'm using go-routines and channels which is all in the concurrentSearch() function.

I apoligize in advance if you find the code messy. I've been going back and forth all day trying out different ideas.

Thanks for any feedback!

Here's my code:

package search

import "reflect"

// Search an arbitrary tree / map like data structure.
func concurrentSearch(output chan interface{}, data interface{}, key string) {
    // search() is your search algorithm.
    result := search(data, key)
    if result != nil {
        // Found something, so put it on the chan.
        // This is the point of the function.
        output <- result
        return // Success.

    // Since we didn't find a match we will get a slice of the next level of values.
    iterableType := listValues(data)
    if len(iterableType) == 0 {

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for _, value := range iterableType {

        go func(next interface{}) {
            defer wg.Done()
            concurrentSearch(output, next, key)

    // Wait never finishes, so the function never returns

// Returns a slice of values based on Type.
func listValues(data interface{}) []interface{} {
    value := reflect.ValueOf(data)
    values := []interface{}{}

    switch value.Kind() {
    case reflect.Map:
        for _, key := range value.MapKeys() {
            values = append(values, value.MapIndex(key).Interface())

    case reflect.Slice:
        for ii := 0; ii < value.Len(); ii++ {
            values = append(values, value.Index(ii).Interface())

    case reflect.Struct:
        for ii := 0; ii < value.NumField(); ii++ {
            if value.Field(ii).CanSet() {
                values = append(values, value.Field(ii).Interface())

    case reflect.Ptr:
        rawValue := value.Elem()
        if !rawValue.IsValid() {
            return nil
        values = listValues(rawValue)

    case reflect.Interface:
        rawValue := value.Elem()
        values = listValues(rawValue)

    return values

// search just checks the value for an index of key, otherwise returns nil.
func search(data interface{}, key string) interface{} {
    value := reflect.ValueOf(data)
    switch value.Kind() {

    // If the type is indexable, check the index.
    // Default to returning nil
    case reflect.Struct:
        for ii := 0; ii < value.NumField(); ii++ {
            field := value.Field(ii)
            // Without CanSet() reflect panics about Unexported fields.
            if field.CanSet() {
                if field.Type().Name() == key {
                    return field.Elem().Interface()
        return nil

    case reflect.Map:
        for _, mapkey := range value.MapKeys() {
            if key == mapkey.String() {
                return value.MapIndex(mapkey).Elem().Interface()
        return nil

    case reflect.Slice:
        return nil

        // For pointer types we just unwrap and call again.
    case reflect.Ptr:
        rawValue := value.Elem()
        if !rawValue.IsValid() {
            return nil
        return search(rawValue, key)

    case reflect.Interface:
        rawValue := value.Elem()
        return search(rawValue, key)

    case reflect.String:
        return nil

        return nil


Here's my test code, unfortunately I can't share the test data. It's just a bunch of nested json objects.

package state

import (

const (
    dataPath = "path/to/your/data.json"

var tests = []struct {
    Input  string
    Result interface{}
    // your test fixtures here for table driven tests.

type mydata struct {
    One   map[string]interface{} `json:"1"`
    Two   map[string]interface{} `json:"2"`
    Three map[string]interface{} `json:"3"`

func TestConcurrentSearch(t *testing.T) {
    data := &mydata{
    bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dataPath)
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("ioutil: problem loading test data, %v", err)
    jerr := json.Unmarshal(bytes, data)
    if jerr != nil {
        t.Errorf("json: problem unmarshalling test data, %s", jerr)

    // Setup finished

    output := make(chan interface{})
    for _, fixture := range tests {
        go concurrentSearch(output, data, fixture.Input)
        select {
        case result := <-output:
            if !reflect.DeepEqual(fixture.Result, result) {
                t.Errorf("Expected: %v, Actual %v", fixture.Result, result)
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