duanmu2013 2013-11-03 05:14
浏览 29

在Mac OSX 10.8.4上,我在哪里可以找到Go安装?

I'm following this online book in my path to learn Go during the weekends.

I've tried running the go help gopath command it just returns example paths and how they relate to each other in packages and source directories - it's doesn't actually say where I can find the go folder.

The book specifically mentions:

First create a new folder where we can store our program. The installer you used in chapter 1 created a folder in your home directory named Go. Create a folder named ~/Go/src/golang-book/chapter2. (Where ~ means your home directory) From the terminal you can do this by entering the following commands:

I used the default installer on the Go homepage, so assume that everything installed in the default folder the installer comes with.

If I cd in terminal to the ~/ folder and then use ls, there is no /Go folder.

How can I find this folder in order to follow the online book properly? I'm assuming he's using this folder structure for a reason and would rather not deviate and learn how packages work, etc.

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  • dpea85385 2013-11-03 05:33

    The instructions say:

    Create a folder named ~/Go/src/golang-book/chapter2

    I interpret that to mean that YOU create the folder named "~/Go/src/golang-book/chapter2". The installer doesn't create this, but you can.

    E.G. in your Terminal:

    mkdir ~/Go
    mkdir ~/Go/src
    mkdir ~/Go/src/golang-book
    mkdir ~/Go/src/golang-book/chapter2
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