I have a program that parses a log file and returns a slice of structs with populated data from the file.
Also I have written a function to add a struct item to the aforemetioned list.
But there is an error that says "Cannot use 'sf' (type *SegmentationFault) as type SegmentationFault" which stems from this function. How am I to solve this problem?
func (sfList *SegmentationFaultList) AddItem(item SegmentationFault) []SegmentationFault {
sfList.Items = append(sfList.Items, item)
return sfList.Items
func parseLogFile(logPath string) (s *SegmentationFaultList){
logFile, err := os.Open(logPath)
checkError(err, "Could not open your log file")
defer logFile.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(logFile)
parsing := false
sf := new(SegmentationFault)
sfs := []SegmentationFault{}
sfList := SegmentationFaultList{sfs}
var beginRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i).+\[err\]:F-(\d+): Dump: Segmentation fault at ([\da-z]+)$`)
var endRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i).+\[info\]:Engine child with pid \d+ terminated`)
var sfTextRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i).+\[err\]:F-\d+: Dump:(.+)`)
for scanner.Scan() {
beginMatch := beginRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text())
switch {
case beginMatch != nil:
sf.pid = beginMatch[1]
sf.sfAt = beginMatch[2]
parsing = true
case endRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text()) != nil:
parsing = false
case parsing:
sf.sfText = append(sf.sfText, strings.TrimSpace(sfTextRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text())[1]))
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return sfList