dsiftnc99059 2017-11-30 22:27
浏览 12


I have source like the following:

type Record struct {
    Message string `json:"message"`
    Service string `json:"service"`
    Success bool   `json:"success"`
    Error   string `json:"error"`

func (zp *Zephyr) Write(err ...*error) {

    if len(err) > 0 {
        errPtr := err[0]
        if errPtr != nil && *errPtr != nil {
            // error occurred, set success to false and Error to the error message
            zp.Success = false
            zp.Error = errPtr
        } else {
            zp.Success = true

What I don't understand is how can I access the string that is embedded in errPtr?

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  • dougou1127 2017-11-30 22:30

    First, you likely don't want *error, you most likely just want error; pointers to interfaces are very seldom the correct choice.

    Second, there isn't necessarily a string embedded in an error. The definition of error is nothing more than:

    type error interface {
            Error() string

    Meaning if you call the Error() method, it will return a string, but it may be generated every time the method is called; it's not necessarily a string field in the error object.

    Most likely, what you want is something like this:

    func (zp *Zephyr) Write(err ...error) {
        if len(err) > 0 {
            errPtr := err[0]
            if errPtr != nil {
                // error occurred, set success to false and Error to the error message
                zp.Success = false
                zp.Error = errPtr.Error()
            } else {
                zp.Success = true

    If you can't change the signature, you just need to dereference the pointer:

    zp.Error = (*errPtr).Error()

    Playground example here: https://play.golang.org/p/dxT108660l

    Errors are also covered in the Go tour.

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