I'm attempting to unmarshal a YAML file into a struct containing two maps (using go-yaml).
- 'string1'
- 'string2'
- 'string3'
- 'string4'
The struct:
type Paths struct {
Include map[string]struct{}
Exclude map[string]struct{}
A simplified version (i.e. removed error handling etc.) of the function attempting to unmarshal:
import "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
func getYamlPaths(filename string) (Paths, error) {
loadedPaths := Paths{
Include: make(map[string]struct{}),
Exclude: make(map[string]struct{}),
filenameabs, _ := filepath.Abs(filename)
yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filenameabs)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &loadedPaths)
return loadedPaths, nil
Data is being read from the file, but the unmarshal-function is not putting anything into the struct, and is returning no errors.
I suspect that the unmarshal-function cannot turn the YAML collections into map[string]struct{}
, but as mentioned it is producing no errors, and I've looked around for similar issues and can't seem to find any.
Any clues or insight would be much appreciated!