I have a small Go program which uses a a postgresql db. In it there is a query which can return no rows, and the code I'm using to deal with this isn't working correctly.
// Get the karma value for nick from the database.
func getKarma(nick string, db *sql.DB) string {
var karma int
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT SUM(delta) FROM karma WHERE nick = $1", nick).Scan(&karma)
var karmaStr string
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
karmaStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s has no karma.", nick)
case err != nil:
karmaStr = fmt.Sprintf("Karma for %s is %d.", nick, karma)
return karmaStr
This logic is taken directly from the Go documentation. When there are no rows corresponding to nick, the following error occurs:
2016/07/24 19:37:07 sql: Scan error on column index 0: converting driver.Value type <nil> ("<nil>") to a int: invalid syntax
I must be doing something stupid - clues appreciated.