The official documentation for GORM demonstrates a way in which one can test for the existence of a record, i.e.:
user := User{Name: "Jinzhu", Age: 18, Birthday: time.Now()}
// returns true if record hasn’t been saved (primary key `Id` is blank)
db.NewRecord(user) // => true
// will return false after `user` created
db.NewRecord(user) // => false
This can be used to test indirectly for errors in record creation but reports no useful information in the event of a failure.
Having checked the source code for db.Create
, there seems to be some sort of stack-frame inspection that checks for errors before proceeding, meaning that transactional errors will fail silently:
func Create(scope *Scope) {
defer scope.Trace(NowFunc())
if !scope.HasError() {
// actually perform the transaction
- Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
- How can/should I be informed of a failed transaction?
- Where can I get useful debugging information?