duanju9104 2017-02-28 15:09
浏览 7


im writing an algorithm to break down an image into segments and manipulate it, however the way im currently using Go routines isn't quite optimal.

I'd like to split it into a worker pool, firing off routines and having each worker take a new job until the image is completed.

I have it split into 8 as such:

var bounds = img.Bounds()
            var halfHeight = bounds.Max.Y / 2
            var eighthOne = halfHeight / 4
            var eighthTwo = eighthOne + eighthOne
            var eighthThree = eighthOne + eighthTwo
            var eighthFive = halfHeight + eighthOne
            var eighthSix = halfHeight + eighthTwo
            var eighthSeven = halfHeight + eighthThree

            elapsed := time.Now()
            go Threshold(pic, c2, 0, eighthOne)
            go Threshold(pic, c5, eighthOne, eighthTwo)
            go Threshold(pic, c6, eighthTwo, eighthThree)
            go Threshold(pic, c7, eighthThree, halfHeight)
            go Threshold(pic, c8, halfHeight, eighthFive)
            go Threshold(pic, c9, eighthFive, eighthSix)
            go Threshold(pic, c10, eighthSix, eighthSeven)
            go Threshold(pic, c11, eighthSeven, bounds.Max.Y)

From which i then fire off Go routines one after another, how can i optimise this into a worker system?


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  • douhu2370 2017-03-04 19:21

    Here you have a generic pattern for implementing concurrent image processors giving control to the caller over the image partitioning to split the work in n parts and over the concurrency level of the execution (i.e. the number of worker goroutines used for executing the (possibly different) number of processing jobs).

    See the pprocess func which implements the whole pattern taking a Partitioner and a Processor, the former being a func that takes the job of returning n image partitions to operate on, and the latter being a func which will be used for processing each partition.

    I implemented the vertical splitting you expressed in your code example in the func splitVert which returns a function which can split an image in n vertical sections.

    For doing some actual work I implemented the gray func which is a Processor that transform pixel colors to gray levels (luminance).

    Here's the working code:

    type MutableImage interface {
        Set(x, y int, c color.Color)
    type Processor func(MutableImage, image.Rectangle)
    type Partitioner func(image.Image) []image.Rectangle
    func pprocess(i image.Image, concurrency int, part Partitioner, proc Processor) image.Image {
        m := image.NewRGBA(i.Bounds())
        draw.Draw(m, i.Bounds(), i, i.Bounds().Min, draw.Src)
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        c := make(chan image.Rectangle, concurrency*2)
        for n := 0; n < concurrency; n++ {
            go func() {
                for r := range c {
                    proc(m, r)
        for _, p := range part(i) {
            c <- p
        return m
    func gray(i MutableImage, r image.Rectangle) {
        for x := r.Min.X; x <= r.Max.X; x++ {
            for y := r.Min.Y; y <= r.Max.Y; y++ {
                c := i.At(x, y)
                r, g, b, _ := c.RGBA()
                l := 0.299*float64(r) + 0.587*float64(g) + 0.114*float64(b)
                i.Set(x, y, color.Gray{uint8(l / 256)})
    func splitVert(c int) Partitioner {
        return func(i image.Image) []image.Rectangle {
            b := i.Bounds()
            s := float64(b.Dy()) / float64(c)
            rs := make([]image.Rectangle, c)
            for n := 0; n < c; n++ {
                m := float64(n)
                x0 := b.Min.X
                y0 := b.Min.Y + int(0.5+m*s)
                x1 := b.Max.X
                y1 := b.Min.Y + int(0.5+(m+1)*s)
                if n < c-1 {
                rs[n] = image.Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1)
            return rs
    func main() {
        i, err := jpeg.Decode(os.Stdin)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("decoding image: %v", err)
        o := pprocess(i, runtime.NumCPU(), splitVert(8), gray)
        err = jpeg.Encode(os.Stdout, o, nil)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("encoding image: %v", err)



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