I want to update a dynamodb table with a list of keys. My struct is :
{ ID int, Code String
I have a list of Code values, and i want the dynamodb update when the register is equal with any of Code values:
{ID : 1, Code: "anything"} {ID: 1, Code: "another_code"}
when the table find a ID with value 1 and Code like "anything", or "another_code" which update the value of the register. I did noticed that is not possible, i should use a loop and update each line per time, is true?
return dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
TableName: &tableName,
Key: attributeObject,
UpdateExpression: &expression,
ConditionExpression: &conditional,
ExpressionAttributeValues: expressionAttributeValues,
ExpressionAttributeNames: expressionAttributeNames,