donglisi8644 2018-04-10 05:53
浏览 78


I have some JSON that I wish to unmarshal in Go. One of the top-level keys of the JSON dictionary has a value that is also parsable JSON. For example:

    "Name": "Tony",
    "Age": 50,
    "Extra": {\"Weight\":180}

I have a corresponding struct that I want to unmarsal to:

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age int
    Extra []byte

I want the Extra key to be a byte array because the JSON structure will vary and the structure of it is not important to the program being written. The program simply needs to push this data along down the line as a byte array.

How can I coax the Go JSON encoder to handle the value of extra like this?

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  • douzhuan1467 2018-04-10 06:07

    You have two options:

    Using json.RawMessage

    Here you have to slightly change your struct:

    type Person struct {
        Name string
        Age int
        Extra *json.RawMessage

    then, you can Unmarshal as usual

    person := Person{}
    err := json.Unmarshal(raw_bytes, &person)
    // handle err

    finally, you can Unmarshal Extra again, you can even do some assertion type on it to previously detect the type

    var extra_option_1 string
    extra_option_2 := AnotherStruct{}
    err := json.Unmarshal(raw_bytes, &extra_option_1)
    // handle err
    // or
    err := json.Unmarshal(raw_bytes, &extra_option_2)
    // handle err

     Using map[string]interface{}{} - honestly not so useful in your case

    You can directly unmarshal "unknown" or dynamics payloads using a general map[string]interface{}{}.
    BUT I discourage this usage because is slower and you should always know what to expect.

    Anyway, hereafter is a pseudo code:

    payload := map[string]interface{}{}
    err := json.Unmarshal(raw_bytes, &payload)
    // handle err

    In this last case, you need even to do assertion to each field.

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