doumi0737 2016-07-28 23:57
浏览 599


so.. I have a base64 encoded string which I need to decode, check it's width and height and then save to file. However.. I've consistently been getting a corrupt image file saved.

package server

import (

    _ "image/gif"
    _ "image/jpeg"
    _ "image/png"

var (
    ErrBucket       = errors.New("Invalid bucket!")
    ErrSize         = errors.New("Invalid size!")
    ErrInvalidImage = errors.New("Invalid image!")

func saveImageToDisk(fileNameBase, data, bucket string) (string, error) {
    idx := strings.Index(data, ";base64,")
    if idx < 0 {
        return "", ErrInvalidImage

    reader := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(data[idx+8:]))
    imgCfg, fmt, err := image.DecodeConfig(reader)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    if imgCfg.Width != 750 || imgCfg.Height != 685 {
        return "", ErrSize

    fileName := fileNameBase + "." + fmt
    f, err := os.Create(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    _, err = io.Copy(f, reader)

    return fileName, err

It does save A file.. and the base64 I'm testing with is valid as per online base64 to image converters. Any help? Here's the base64 string i'm using (data in the func)

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  • douyimin1083 2016-07-29 02:53

    The main problem of those code is, when you read the io.Reader, the cursor won't back to the first. And you already read the io.Reader on the on decoding image config. So when you write it to file, it will read next until EOF (which maybe not your data)

    I don't know exactly how to reset the io.Reader back to first but I write a work around way to make it work :

    import (
        _ "image/gif"
        _ "image/jpeg"
        _ "image/png"
    var (
        ErrBucket       = errors.New("Invalid bucket!")
        ErrSize         = errors.New("Invalid size!")
        ErrInvalidImage = errors.New("Invalid image!")
    func saveImageToDisk(fileNameBase, data string) (string, error) {
        idx := strings.Index(data, ";base64,")
        if idx < 0 {
            return "", ErrInvalidImage
        reader := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(data[idx+8:]))
        buff := bytes.Buffer{}
        _, err := buff.ReadFrom(reader)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        imgCfg, fm, err := image.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(buff.Bytes()))
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        if imgCfg.Width != 750 || imgCfg.Height != 685 {
            return "", ErrSize
        fileName := fileNameBase + "." + fm
        ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, buff.Bytes(), 0644)
        return fileName, err
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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