I'm just getting starting with Golang and Serverless. I've basically gone through these steps on MacOS:
- brew install golang
- brew install dep
- npm install -g serverless
- mkdir ~/Projects/testproject
- Added
export GOPATH="$GOPATH:~/Projects/testproject"
- serverless create -t aws-go-dep -p myservice within the testprojects folder
- Run make and get this weird error:
unable to create lock pkg/dep/sm.lock: Lockfiles must be given as absolute path names
make: *** [build] Error 1
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Also I followed the blog article for getting setup with the example: https://serverless.com/blog/framework-example-golang-lambda-support/
According to go env
my path is: GOPATH=":/Users/ddibiase-macbook/go:/Users/ddibiase-macbook/Projects/centive/api"
There isn't much helpful documentation online to get through this :-/