duankanyi6539 2018-10-22 21:47
浏览 15


I'm trying to create an endpoint Go API to be consumed by front end JavaScript graphing library.

What should happen:

  1. /data endpoint to get an array of JSON data.
  2. The data is just a slice of go structs, just two in this example but it will be over 10000.
  3. The graphing library expects additional meta data. It's saved as a variable called AdditionalInfo.
  4. The problem is when I want to encode the AdditionalInfo + AllAgents it won't let me join a string with a slice of structs.
  5. At the end of the slice of structs there also needs to be ]` to make it valid JSON


  1. How do you add additional data at the front and back the slice of structs?
  2. Is appending a struct to a slice of structs efficient?
  3. Would it be better to create a slice with a known length and then use range to append to it?

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        port := os.Getenv("PORT")
        if port == "" {
            port = "443"
            log.Printf("Defaulting to port %s", port)
        http.HandleFunc("/data", TrySnipped)
        log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%s", port), nil))
    func TrySnipped(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
        var AllAgents []SingleAgent
        AllAgents = append(AllAgents, FirstAgent)
        AllAgents = append(AllAgents, SecondAgent)
    var AdditionalInfo = `"meta": {
                "page": 1,
                "pages": 1,
                "perpage": -1,
                "total": 350,
                "sort": "asc",
                "field": "RecordID"
            "data": [`
    type SingleAgent struct {
        RecordID             string `json:"RecordID"`
        OldEmployeeID        string `json:"OldEmployeeID"`
        NewEmployeeID        string `json:"NewEmployeeID"`
        AgentRank            int    `json:"AgentRank"`
        AgentName            string `json:"AgentName"`
        AgentEmail           string `json:"AgentEmail"`
        TeamManager          string `json:"TeamManager"`
        LineOfBusiness       string `json:"LineOfBusiness"`
        FitnessCampStartDate string `json:"FitnessCampStartDate"`
        FitnessCampEndDate   string `json:"FitnessCampEndDate"`
        FitnessCampStatus    int    `json:"FitnessCampStatus"`
        AgentFitnessRank     int    `json:"AgentFitnessRank"`
        LatestMetricA        int    `json:"MetricA"`
        LatestMetricB        int    `json:"MetricB"`
        LatestMetricC        int    `json:"MetricC"`
        LatestMetricD        int    `json:"MetricD"`
        LatestMetricE        int    `json:"MetricD"`
        SiteName             string `json:"SiteName"`
        SiteID               string `json:"SiteID"`
        PostCampWeek1        string `json:"PostCampWeek1"`
        PostCampWeek2        string `json:"PostCampWeek2"`
        PostCampWeek3        string `json:"PostCampWeek3"`
    var FirstAgent = SingleAgent{
        RecordID:             "30",
        OldEmployeeID:        "785114544",
        NewEmployeeID:        "10785114544",
        AgentRank:            3,
        AgentName:            "Shandeigh Rawsen",
        AgentEmail:           "shandeigh.rawsen@gmail.com",
        TeamManager:          "Oliver Lamplugh",
        LineOfBusiness:       "BMS",
        FitnessCampStartDate: "8/13/2018",
        FitnessCampEndDate:   "10/7/2018",
        FitnessCampStatus:    1,
        AgentFitnessRank:     1,
        LatestMetricA:        77,
        LatestMetricB:        167,
        LatestMetricC:        496,
        LatestMetricD:        72,
        LatestMetricE:        80,
        SiteName:             "Montreal",
        SiteID:               "4",
        PostCampWeek1:        "10/2/2018",
        PostCampWeek2:        "10/9/2018",
        PostCampWeek3:        "10/19/2018",
    var SecondAgent = SingleAgent{
        RecordID:             "29",
        OldEmployeeID:        "980433290",
        NewEmployeeID:        "10980433290",
        AgentRank:            4,
        AgentName:            "Terrijo Dewberry",
        AgentEmail:           "terrijo.deberry@gmail.com",
        TeamManager:          "Oliver Lamplugh",
        LineOfBusiness:       "BTSW",
        FitnessCampStartDate: "7/28/2018",
        FitnessCampEndDate:   "9/23/2018",
        FitnessCampStatus:    2,
        AgentFitnessRank:     2,
        LatestMetricA:        88,
        LatestMetricB:        92,
        LatestMetricC:        716,
        LatestMetricD:        78,
        LatestMetricE:        66,
        SiteName:             "Montreal",
        SiteID:               "2",
        PostCampWeek1:        "10/2/2018",
        PostCampWeek2:        "10/9/2018",
        PostCampWeek3:        "10/15/2018",
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  • douweiluo0600 2018-10-22 21:55

    Write the additional info, the agents and the closing brace to the response:

     io.WriteString(w, "{")
     io.WriteString(w, AdditionalInfo)
     io.WriteString(w, "]}")  // closing ] for data and closing } for root

    Note this encodes two levels of [ ] around the agents. It's unclear if that's what you want.

    An alternate approach is to create a Go value matching the structure of the output and encode that:

    v := map[string]interface{}{
        "meta": map[string]interface{}{
            "page":    1,
            "pages":   1,
            "perpage": -1,
            "total":   350,
            "sort":    "asc",
            "field":   "RecordID",
        "data": AllAgents,
     if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(v); err != nil {
        // handle error

    Again, it's unclear how much nesting you want around agents. You may need this variation:

    v := map[string]interface{}{
        "meta": map[string]interface{}{
            "page":    1,
            "pages":   1,
            "perpage": -1,
            "total":   350,
            "sort":    "asc",
            "field":   "RecordID",
        "data": []interface{}{AllAgents},
     if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(v); err != nil {
        // handle error

    re: Efficiency Creating a slice of the final size is generally more efficient then incrementally growing the slice with append. There may be some efficenty gained by using a slice of pointers []*SingleAgent instead of the slice of struct values []SingleAgent.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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