douyi7283 2017-02-01 23:52
浏览 138

Golang中的Json Unmarshal类型模型

I have a RESTful service that returns response similar to show below:

"Basket" : {
  "Count": 1,
  "Fruits": {[

I am trying to create Go lang model to unmarshal the contents. Following is the code I have tried:

type Response struct {
    Count   int
    Fruits []Fruit

type Fruit struct {
    Name string
    Season string

But when I marshal the Response object in my test code I don't see similar json. ( Marshalled data always appears as :


Notice the Fruits appearing as array [] and not {[]} in original json. How can I model structs in golang for this response?

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  • doushijiao0679 2017-02-02 14:43

    Your model is totally correct and valid, but the JSON object is not. "Fruits" doesn't have name if it should be key value pair or it should be wrapped in [] not {}.

    JSON obj should be formatted like this:

      "Basket" : {
        "Count": 1,
        "Fruits": [

    And actually invalid json shouldn't work

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