I want to access array values (access SpecCode) present in mongodb database from Go.
type MTopic struct {
SpecCodes []struct {
SpecCode string `json:speccode`
TopicCode string `json:topiccode`
TopicDesc string `json:topicdesc`
TopicBigDesc string `json:topicbigdesc`
TopicSource string `json:topicsource`
TopicSources []struct {
Topic string `json:topic`
CreatedBy string `json:createdby`
CreatedOn string `json:createdon`
UpdatedBy string `json:updatedby`
UpdatedOn string `json:updatedon`
using the following code:
func (m *TopicMaster) GetTopic(userdetails string) (list []MTopic, err error) {
collection := dbConnect7.Use("masterdata", "topic_master")
err = collection.Find(bson.M{"speccodes": userdetails}).All(&list)
return list, err
I have to get all values which have speccodes of userdetails in the collection topic_master. It's gin framework. This code is from models.