So I'm implementing multiple timers using map/channel/mutex. In order for timer to cancel, I have a channel map that stores cancel info, below is the code:
var timerCancelMap = make(map[string]chan interface{})
var mutexLocker sync.Mutex
func cancelTimer(timerIndex string) {
defer mutexLocker.Unlock()
timerCancelMap[timerIndex] = make(chan interface{})
timerCancelMap[timerIndex] <- struct{}{}
func timerStart(timerIndex string) {
fmt.Println("###### 1. start timer: ", timerIndex)
timerStillActive := true
newTimer := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 10)
for timerStillActive {
select {
case <-newTimer.C:
timerStillActive = false
fmt.Println("OOOOOOOOO timer time's up: ", timerIndex)
case <-timerCancelMap[timerIndex]:
timerCancelMap[timerIndex] = nil
timerStillActive = false
fmt.Println("XXXXXXXXX timer canceled: ", timerIndex)
fmt.Println("###### 2. end timer: ", timerIndex)
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go timerStart(strconv.Itoa(i))
if i%10 == 0 {
Now this one gives me deadlock
, if I remove all mutex.lock/unlock, it gives me concurrent map read and map write
. So what am I doing wrong?
I know sync.Map solves my problem, but the performance suffers significantly, so I kinda wanna stick with the map solution.
Thanks in advance!