I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this. But I have no experience with C# and have been tasked to convert a security piece of code to Golang
I was wondering if i'm missing out on something here.
The C# code uses a Rijndael
class to encrypt a bit of data. The key
value and iv
value is written out in the byte code like this
public static byte[] Key = new byte[]{0xx, 0xx, 0xx, 0xx, 0xx,
0xx4, 0xxx, 0xxx, 0xxx, 0xxx, xxx, 0xxx,
0xxx, 0xxx, 0xxx, 0xxx};
public static byte[] IV = new byte[] // save structure as above with 16 in length
then theres a bit of code which does this
Rijndael alg = Rijndael.Create();
alg.Key = Key;
alg.IV = IV;
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms,
alg.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
cs.Write(dataWithoutHeader, 0, dataWithoutHeader.Length);
the function sends out byte[] data
as output
I'm trying to mimic this is golang
like this
func StartEncryption(message []byte) []byte {
var key = []byte {// same as C# }
var iv = []byte{ // same as C# }
var err error
length of key %+v
length of iv
", len(key), len(iv))
// Encrypt
encrypted := make([]byte, len(message))
err = EncryptAESCFB(encrypted, []byte(message), key, iv)
if err != nil {
return encrypted
The Encryption function
func EncryptAESCFB(dst, src, key, iv []byte) error {
aesBlockEncrypter, err := aes.NewCipher([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return err
aesEncrypter := cipher.NewCFBEncrypter(aesBlockEncrypter, iv)
aesEncrypter.XORKeyStream(dst, src)
return nil
The output of this is sent over an API whose output needs to be decrypted. I'm using this below
func decryptMessage(message []byte)error{
var key = []byte{ // same as C# }
var iv = []byte{ // same as C# }
// Remove the head part of the response (45 bytes)
responseBody := message[45:]
decrypted := make([]byte, len(responseBody))
err := DecryptAESCFB(decrypted, responseBody, key, iv)
if err != nil {
error :
", err)
return nil
func DecryptAESCFB(dst, src, key, iv []byte) error {
aesBlockDecrypter, err := aes.NewCipher([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return nil
aesDecrypter := cipher.NewCFBDecrypter(aesBlockDecrypter, iv)
aesDecrypter.XORKeyStream(dst, src)
return nil
The decryptor gives me gibberish - Am i going wrong somewhere?
My question boils down to 2 questions
Would the C# function using the
class and the golang functiony yield the same output or should i be doing something more/lessIs the byte array the right data to store the key, IV in - i.e its not the same used in C# when copied to GO