I am wrapping an C function with the following definition:
int parser_shift(parser* parser, void* buffer, int length);
It removes up to length bytes from internal buffer of unparsed bytes, storing them in the given buffer.
Now I wish to wrap it into a Go function with the following definition:
func (p *Parser) Shift() []byte {
var buffer []byte
// TODO:
return buffer
What is the right way of writing to finish the TODO in above with CGO?
I tried the following way, however it crashed with error: Error in "/path/to/my/program': free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x00007f8fe0000aa0:
var buffer []byte
bufStr := C.CString(string(buffer))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(bufStr))
C.parser_shift(p.Cparser, unsafe.Pointer(bufStr), C.int(8192))
buffer = []byte(C.GoString(bufStr))
return buffer