When I use the NewChild() function in my code and than afterwards marshal the "Report" Struct to JSON I get a Stack Overflow (goroutine stack exceeds 1000000000-byte limit)
After researching I found out that it should have to do something with infinite recursion, but I don't have a clue why my code should have that.
type Report struct{
TestSuites []ReportElement
Tests int
Success int
Failed int
Root *ReportElement
CurrentElement *ReportElement `json:"-"`
type ReportElement struct{
Success bool
Time bool
LogStorage []string
Childs []ReportElement
Parent *ReportElement
func (r *Report) NewChild(){
newElem := ReportElement{}
newElem.Parent = r.CurrentElement
newElem.Childs = make([]ReportElement,0)
newChilds := append(r.CurrentElement.Childs,newElem)
r.CurrentElement.Childs = newChilds
r.CurrentElement = &newElem
func TestReporterStackOverflow(t *testing.T) {
report := NewReport()
jsonReport,err := json.MarshalIndent(report,""," ")
if err != nil{
Actually I am not sure if it has to do something with my code as the stacktrace leads to "/usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/encode.go".
Thanks a lot for your help!