I would like to debug my revel application with Jetbrain's gogland built in debugger but gogland run configuration allowing to setup either package or file run scenario not debug process started by revel run myapp
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- douzhi3779 2017-12-27 13:55关注
Now Gogland is Goland
I find official manual for create debug-config. I'll post here if you do not mind...
- Create your project, for this example i will be using canonical “revel new github.com/myaccount/my-app”
- “revel run github.com/myaccount/my-app” to generate tmp/main.go - this file is needed by intellij
- Shutdown the running server
- Create run configuration and in “Program arguments” add “-importPath github.com\myaccount\my-app -srcPath \src -runMode dev"
- Point “File” to \src\github.com\myaccount\my-app\app\tmp\main.go
- In “before launch” add “Run external tool”. There: Program: \binevel(.exe) Paramerets: build github.com/myaccount/my-app
It works for Linux&Windows
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